I want to share some of features I observed in BPMv7.5.1 . i.e Usage of Store and forward QOS and transactions :-
Service Components Architecture (SCA) allows QoS qualifiers, such as transactions, security, and reliable asynchronous invocation, to be applied to components without requiring programming or a change to the services implementation code. WebSphere Integration Developer gives you the tools to quickly and easily compose an integrated business application that wires together components in mediation modules that can be deployed to the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or to WebSphere Process Server. When wiring the components, you can specify qualifiers to provide extended quality of service to the components, as well as to the clients accessing the service. Sometimes, implementations require that qualifiers are set in particular ways; Here is the explanation of the join transaction qualifier.
This scenario aims to know about how to use Transaction and Join transaction qualifiers.
For this I took two JDBC outbound adapters which will store Customer details into two different services for example CRM and ERP tables.But if one of the service is down another transaction has to be roll back.The record must be inserted into two tables.
For this I set Transaction qualifier as Global for implementation of mediation flow component and set join transaction as TRUE for target Interface (CRM and ERP services interfaces)
STORE and Forward QOS:-
In the previous releases of WebSphere
Process Server, when processing asynchronous requests, failed events
will be generated if there are any runtime errors. The recovery
system keeps generating the failed events as the requests flow into
faulty or unavailable service that is throwing the runtime errors.
Once the runtime errors are resolved, administrator will have to
resubmit the failed events using either admin console or scripts that
make use of FEM API. Generating failed events as well as resubmitting
them later is a resource intensive operation. In Process Server V7.0,
the problem is elegantly addressed by the introduction of Store
and forward feature.