About IBM Integration Bus:-
Scenario :-(CreditCardCheck Process):-
Credit card check is a simple process application which
will take credit card details from user and checks the card details and
displays response back to end user.
- Used BPM coaches to get card details from User.
- Credit check can be done by IB IntegrationBus
- Displays card status back on coaches.
Creating a Toolkit in BPM:-
- Create a toolkit with name “ CreditCheckTK “.
- Credit the business objects in tool kit as shown below.
Creating an Integration Service in BPM:-
- Create an Integration Service with name “invokeCreditCheckIIB”.
- Create input and out variable for this service.(invokes messageflow in IIB).
Export toolkit for IIB from BPM:-
- · Create snapshot with name “creditCheckTKv1.0”.
- · Export the snapshot as shown below.
Creating integration Service in IIB:-
- Click on create new Integrationservice Give the name as “IIBCreditCheck “.
- Select the .twx file(which is exported from BPM) and Click on finish.

- Drag the Mapping node to msgflow and .Create the mapping between two business objects.
- And Implement logic for CCNo validation with If and else options in XSLT.
- Right Click on Integration Service Description Export updated .twx file from IIB.
- Go to the Implementation and select “invokeCreditCardCheckIIB” then observe “webservice Integration action is added and configured to IIB flow”.
Using Integration Service in Process Application:-
- Create a Process Application.
- Create Usertasks as per our requirement .
- Create and Add Human services for usertaks.
- Use the System Task and Add “invokeCreditCardCheckIIB” integration service as shown below.
Test the flow:-
- Click on run button.Then it will display a coach to enter Card details .Enter card details and click on ok button.
- Then will call message flow in IIB and map Card details and validates credit card no. Displays card status back to BPM flow.
I hope this post helps you. So far this is my best effort to explain.
Please correct me if I do anything wrong.
Please share you valuable suggestions and feedback to my mail
to improve myself.
Please post any issues/query’s related to BPM,WODM and DATAPOWER to "mdondetisbit@gmail.com"