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Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Display ID used more than once exception in BPEL (IIDv7.5.1)


I had faced exception (i.e Display ID used more than once in BPEL) while developing Business Process(BPEL) in IIDv7.5.1. Refer below screenshot for exception details.I would  like to share resolving steps .

Resolving Steps:-

To resolve exception I followed below steps. 

Open the BPEL in text editor, Search for the ID that is shown in the error (ie.Check for wpc:id(eg: wpc:id=”25”).Invoke activity in my process have  wpc:id=”25”  . As shown in below screenshot .


·         Again search for the ID (eg:25) that is shown in the error. Foreach activity in my process have  wpc:id=”25”   . Here both activity’s using same display id which cause the  exception. As shown in below screenshot.

·         Replace that ID with some other bigger number eg: replace 25 with a bigger number like 3525, so that the chances of 3525 to give a duplicate error again would be very less). As shown in below screenshot.


·         Save  the changes. I hope you may understand.

For any question please send  a mail  to mdondetimss@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. It is a very informative and useful post thanks it is good material to read this post increases my knowledge. BPM Suite
